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We will now review how different customizations lead to different system behaviours.
There are three types of customization:
Status & Limits
Static Configurations
Querying Level
To navigate to engine customization, switch from the "View" tab to the "Customization" on the left side of your engine page.
"Static & Limits" and "Querying Level" settings are applied to the Engine configurations in real time.
Static Configurations, in contrast, are computationally expensive. They also may have significant downtime given the volume of data already present in the Engine.
Different Static & Limits settings are as follows:
Engine Status: toggle for activating or deactivating. Once deactivated an engine becomes inactive for insertion, searching and various other options. By default, Engines are "Active."
Engine Privacy: toggle to make Engines Private or Public. Private Engines are only accessible by the creator or those with whom the Engine is shared. Public Engines' data is accessible by any user onboarded to Sepana -- if they have access to at least one API key.
Number of Replicas: By default, there is one replica assigned to any Engine you create. It is possible to create up to 3 replicas. This enhances the speed of search. On the other hand, it reduces data indexing speed due to synchronization requirements.
Max Script Fields: The maximum number of script fields that are allowed in a query.
Default Value: 32
N-gram: The N-gram tokenizer first breaks text down into words whenever it encounters one of a list of specified characters. It then emits N-grams of each word of the specified length.
Default Value: 1
Max Token Count: The maximum number of tokens that can be produced by analytical capabilities. Default Value: 1000
Max Terms Count: The maximum number of terms that can be used in a terms query.
Default Value: 65536
Max Regex Length: The maximum length of regex that can be used in regex expression query.
Default Value: 1000
Mapping Limits: Use the following settings to limit the number of field mappings (created manually or dynamically) and prevent documents from causing a mapping explosion.
Default Value: Total 1000, Depth 20
Querying Level Settings: The querying level settings allow you to configure how the search results are enhanced, filtered and paginated. Below are the properties you can currently set:
Aggregation: An aggregation summarizes your data as metrics, statistics, or other analytics. Aggregations help you answer analytical queries like, "How many products are in each product category?"
Results Highlighting: Highlighters enable you to get highlighted snippets from one or more fields in your search results so you users can easily see query matches. When you request highlights, the response contains an additional highlight
element for each search hit that includes the highlighted fields and the highlighted fragments.
Static Configurations:
Changing the Static Configurations will lead to downtime as the engine refreshes and reindexes its data. Sepana dynamically maps your data, automatically detecting data types ingested with the Engine. Data mappings may occasionally be incorrect, for example if a float field is mapped as integer field or a keyword field is mapped as a string field.
These configurations allow you to change the field types and remap the data accordingly.
Change the data type from "text" to "integer" for the "year" field
This section walks you through the different settings/configuration mechanisms available with Sepana Engines.